Posted on May 31, 2024 Trout Newsletter – June 2024
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This past month, we were able to get our plastic drivers licenses! YAY! For months, many drivers around the nation have been carrying a photo copy. We arrived at LTO at 5:30am, along with about 50 other guys, waiting for our turn. Pam joined us which made the time pass quickly.  Afterwards, we dropped her off at the TESDA School where she is being sponsored to take a course in organic farming. With these skills, she is able to help with the betterment of Tatay’s Farm. We thought we would just say hello to her teacher and be on our way. But one of the values here in our region is to take time to be with others in fellowship. We met with the agricultural and solar power directors. Their initiative is to provide skills for the marginalized so that they can provide for their families. We were so thrilled that they requested a partnership in order to invest in the struggling communities by utilizing Tatay’s Farm for training! This is something that we’ve been praying about for some time as a tool to build relationships.

Later that week, we drove 3 hours north to pick up our repaired computer. On the way home, Amy asked to stop at S&R to pick up some things and pizza, of course. While in line, we met a Pastor from California. He and his wife have been in ministry up north for 11 years and run a discipleship camp! They invited us to visit and offered to help us learn! God is SO AMAZING! It gives us chills to see how He’s directing our path as we accepted His invitation for our family to serve in the Philippines.

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