Posted on December 12, 2024 Trout Newsletter – December 12.2024
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As this is the last newsletter of 2024, I wrote a few different drafts of what to share with you all. I think one of the most impactful things of the year was from a new friend, Rosa*. How did we meet? Here’s a little back story: back in the spring, Aaron and I were waiting to order food at a pizza place while we were up north. I immediately recognized the California accent from the guy behind us in line! Guess what, … they’re also missionaries who have the heart to start a youth camp for some of the least served communities in the northern provinces. “Really? No kidding? That’s what the Lord has also placed on our hearts for the southern region!”Coincidence … no… it’s Jesus.

We went to her family’s home during another trip to the big city. After sharing a meal together, Aaron was jamming with Allen*, Rosa*’s husband, in the music room. Amaryn was playing games with one of their kids. Amos was outside in the yard with the other littles. Rosa* and I were seated on the couch. I was so thankful for the time that I was able to confide in her about the joys, hurts, disappointments, lows and times of celebration. I told her how, time and time again, we’ve seen God come through and work in ways that we didn’t even plan for. I told her that I felt so humbled, because there were many times that I could do nothing but look to Him. She said, “Humbled? Amy, you’re loved.”

Those words struck me in such a deeper way even though I’ve heard them so many times. And, whew … with this being the season that we celebrate the greatest gift, let’s pause and reflect for just a moment.

For God so LOVED the world, that He GAVE His ONLY SON, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

We didn’t and can’t earn this kind of love. We just need to open our hearts to the greatest gift of love coming down from the Father. I hope that you remember the love of God this Christmas; that you get the chance to rest in that love. Please prayerfully open your hearts and share the Lord’s gift of Christ with someone who needs to know or remember that they are loved.

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