Posted on November 9, 2018 Touching the Lives of Haitian Immigrants in Dominican Republic
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Imagine leaving your home to live in another country where you don’t know the language and you are considered a second-class citizen with no rights or privileges. Because of economic reasons, many Haitians make this difficult choice, moving to the Dominican Republic (D.R.) to serve in the hospitality industry, as a cane cutter or construction worker earning very low wages.

One such young man is Ronald Jean, who goes by the nickname, Kulilku. He is 28 and has been in the D.R. for 6 years. God brought him into Ketly and Vital’s life through their Discipleship Class, which he has been attending for two years at Beraca Baptist Church in La Romana, pastored by Elza Phanord. Kuliku is a musician who has been singing and playing music since he was a child. He was also previously involved in radio work.

When he uses his musical gifts, the presence of Jesus flows forth in such a way that lives are touched and offered hope. It’s truly a work of the Holy Spirit and inspired by God. He is closer to the Lord when he is doing this and God touches lives through this calling.

Last year God gave to Ketly and Vital the gift of 3 hours of evening radio time every night of the week. This radio time is one way God can touch the hearts of people in a significant way. Providentially, God sent Kuliku to minister in Creole to Haitians who live in the bateys. Through Kuliku and this new open door, they will hear the Word of God applied to their lives along with Christian songs in Creole, their heart language.

Through the discipleship class, God has shown Kuliku the gifts and knowledge that He has given him as well as the call and plan that God has for his life. This includes a radio ministry. In addition, he sings and plays piano, guitar and bass.

As a radio producer, he will bless his listeners, and it would be a blessing for him also since he is recently married and this will provide income for him and his new wife. In addition to the radio and music ministry, Kuliku serves in the Community Center ministering to Haitians and teaching music.

Would you like to touch the lives of people in the D.R. with the love of Christ in a holistic manner through the life of Kuliku, the radio station and Community Center? If yes, pray for us and give to this ministry through Specifics to International Ministries as the Spirit leads you.

Thank you so much for your partnership in ministry. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends this year.

In Christ’s love,

Vital and Ketly