Posted on December 1, 2020 Today is #GivingTuesday!
[pie chart]71%Support Pledged


Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

My name is Gail Grovenstein and I am a member of Jae Stockton’s MPT, Missionary Partnership Team as her financial advocate. I am helping Jae with her Missionary financial support account, building relationships and praying for people who will become prayer and financial partners.

I have enjoyed being with Jae when she has had the opportunity to share her calling to the mission field at several churches. God has been getting Jae ready to serve for her entire life. Her story of God in her life has been inspiring! Jae just recently finished her Intercultural and Language Acquisition Training and has her Commissioning service scheduled in February.

I am writing to let you know that Jae is now at 98% funded of her Personalized Support Goal (PSG). Praise God!! Some of you may not understand the “New” reasoning for each missionary raising their own support. International Ministries assists new missionaries in developing a budget for the exact cost of their ministry; the budget is then broken down in to a monthly PSG and the missionary is then called to raise support for this monthly amount in monthly, quarterly or annual pledges so that International Ministries can underwrite the actual costs of the ministry. This new format is sustainable and fiscally responsible for International Ministries so that they do not put themselves in a budget deficit situation.

If you have a heart for mission you can join Jae and fulfill your desire by partnering with Jae through prayer and finances. Jae has been in training to do the work that our Lord has called her to do. One more training that she needed to accomplish and only 2% more to go before she is fully funded to get approval from IM’s board to leave for Mexico. That remaining 2% is about $134/month in new (or increase) ongoing monthly financial gifts.

If your church has funds that need to be distributed before the end of this year, please consider to make an additional donation to help Jae reach her 100% funding goal. If you have an IRA and need to meet your required minimum distribution, please consider a gift to Jae’s ministry, one time or annually to sustain her in the field. Your tax deduction can change the world! Should you need a sample request letter for the IRA administrator, please contact me through email and I will provide you with a sample letter.

Everyday is a good day to continue or renew your monthly support. But today is a perfect day to start giving. Today is #GivingTuesday! “GivingTuesday strives to build a world in which the catalytic power of generosity is at the heart of the society we build together, unlocking dignity, opportunity and equity around the globe. (” Let’s join together and send Jae to the mission field and make a difference in someone’s life through Jae for the glory of God. You can give today or any day this month of December as part of the #GivingTuesday Campaign.

Click the green button below where you can renew your support or start your monthly giving.


If you need assistance, you can call Donor Services at (610) 768-2323.  If you have other questions, please email me at:

We so appreciate your generosity in helping to send Jae to the mission field!  If you wish to follow her progress, look at the following links:

Jae’s IM webpage:
Jae’s Facebook page:

Gail Grovenstein – Jae’s MPT, Finance Advocate
