Posted on February 7, 2021 Time to Break Camp!
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Time to Break Camp

In my last newsletter, I alluded to Israel’s season of wandering in the wilderness of Sinai, and stated that I was “keeping my eyes on the clouds” as I waited in the US for guidance from the Lord about when I could return to Thailand.  A gentle rustling in the trees tells me it’s now time to “break camp” and start packing my bags.

Making Plans

About 2 weeks ago, I received news that Thailand was allowing those with my particular visa and work permit to return.  So I contacted the Thai Consulate, filled out an application and was, indeed, approved for a Certificate of Entry.  Next, I did some research and successfully booked a seat on one of just seven approved repatriation flights going from the US to Thailand during the month of February.  Then I made a reservation for a two-week stay in a state-sanctioned quarantine hotel in Bangkok.  I secured a required letter from my health insurance company. I booked an appointment at the local Passport Health Clinic to get a COVID test and a Fit to Fly Certificate on the date before I depart.  With all of these things (and more!) in order, it appears that I will leave Cincinnati on February 16 and arrive in Bangkok, Thailand on Feb 18.  This puts me in the country just ten days before my annual visa and work permit are due to expire on February 28.   This is an important detail because if those documents expire without renewal (which can only be done when I am in the country), it is extremely difficult to secure new ones, which could potentially jeopardize my future service in Thailand.   As I watch the Spirit of God gently and deliberately locking each puzzle piece into place, I am reminded that when the Lord wants to accomplish something, there is no obstacle that can stand in the way!

Prayer Requests

I would be most grateful for your prayers as I pack and finalize my plans in the coming week.  Also, kindly pray for me as I travel on four different flights on Feb 16-18.  I will transit through Chicago, spend a night in a hotel in Los Angeles, and then stop in Seoul on my way to Bangkok.  Unfortunately, I do not meet Ohio’s current stipulations for access to the COVID-19 vaccine.  So as always, I will trust in the Lord for his grace and protection and will continue to serve him as long has he grants me breath on this earth.  Thank you for your support, prayers, and friendship.

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