Posted on October 27, 2022 Three and One
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You’re already thinking about the Trinity, right? Well, one of our new ministries is a theology group that has been studying the community of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yet, these words also describe what has been happening at the International Baptist Church of Debrecen. 

THREE is significant to us because we have recently grown into our third location. We are now sharing a location with our host church family. The facility is large enough for us now and there is plenty of room for growth. It actually feels like a homecoming because this church family has been so supportive in all that Christ is doing in and though the new church. 

ONE is significant to us because we just celebrated our first birthday. Last October, only a few of us were meeting in our living room to pray about a new church in Debrecen. This October, we are an active church with baptisms, child dedications, Bible studies, outreach, mission and regular worship!

Thank you for being a part of what Christ is doing here in Debrecen. Through you, a church has been born, and the good news of Jesus is being shared. The Lord has made all of this possible through the faithful partnership in prayer and financial support of many people, small groups and churches.

Jon and Amanda