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July 2018

An article I wrote was just published in the Lausanne Global Analysis, an online publication focusing on current issues in evangelical missiology.  The article highlights current statistics on human trafficking and offers recommendations for organizations serving survivors of trauma, based on the New Life Center’s 30 years of grass-roots experience.


A note from Kit’s MPT Convener Susan Rice:

Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support that enable Kit to serve in Thailand.  Please note that Kit Ripley’s pledged support is currently at 81%.  She is looking for new partners who want to join in supporting her ministry.

Additionally, if you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the New Life Center Foundation, you may make a check out to “International Ministries”.  Please make a clear notation that your gift is for “Specifics for the New Life Center Foundation, Thailand”.  Your gift will be transmitted to the New Life Center (minus a 5% processing and transfer fee)