I will sing of your love and justice: to you Lord I will sing praise. -Ps 101:1
Resuming Prison Visits
Sarah takes food parcels to MDWS in prison.
We praise God that after a gap of two years he has once again opened the doors for Elma and I to visit the prisons and minister to the Migrant Domestic Workers. Our first visit was to the Baabda prison in Beirut and the MDWs were so excited to see us and just sit with us and share their stories. Because of COVID and other restrictions family and friends were not able to visit the women in prison or take anything for them. I was so surprised how we found favor with God and the prison authorities not only to take the physical needs of the women but also bibles in different languages.
I would like to share with you the story of Lensa, an MDW from Ethiopia who is 20 years old and in prison for stealing. She saw the money, stole it, and ran away with the money to her friend’s house. But she felt bad for stealing. She felt very restless, so she called her employer and returned the money that she stole. But the damage had already been done. Lensa’s employer did not show her any mercy and put her in prison. When I asked Lensa how I could help her she said, “Please get me a bible and pray that I will go home soon”. The next time I visited Lensa I gave her a bible in Amharic and she burst out crying.
– Sarah Chetti
We have just completed the first session of soap making. 12 MDWs registered to learn this skill and it was fun time of learning how to make different kinds of soap and to fellowship and get to know each other. We hope to package and sell the soaps so that this will be an income for the MDWs and give them a sense of dignity and achievement. Will be starting our second session of soap making in June.
Would you consider giving towards our income-generating activities, like our soap-making class? If so, please visit: https://rb.gy/tgefod
Trauma Counseling
and Legalizing MDW children
We at Insaaf are so grateful to God for sending us Christine, who is a trauma counselor. We did not seek her, We thank God for her and her valuable ministry towards the mental health of the MDWs. Yes, the MDWs need food, medical aid, but very few think about their mental health. We are indeed praising God to have regular trauma counseling at the Insaaf Center.
Another important event that took place at Insaaf Center on April 29th was a presentation by Noha Roukos, Awareness Project Officer, CARITAS, Lebanon on the importance of registering the children of the MDWs with the concerned Government office in Lebanon. As the children of the MDWs have huge problems of not having legal status.
We rejoice in the many varied ways God is using us to be His hands and feet to “the least of these” in Beirut at this time. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and for your generous giving!
If you would like to give a gift, please visit: https://internationalministries.org/lebanon- insaaf-center-project/
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