Posted on July 19, 2018 The Wild West
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In the Hungarian schools, I am often asked to teach/explain something about America.

Our students were invited to a competition at another school. The theme: The Wild West. Would I prepare the kids? Sure, I LOVE the Wild West!

After the first lesson with the kids, I realized it was all negative. Gun-slinging, bank-dobbing, saloons and rough characters had been the focus. In prayer, I asked the Lord how I could turn the next lesson into one that gloried Him. He reminded me of the role missionaries played in the formation of the old west. A quick internet search revealed the true heroes of the west: Christian missionaries founded the first schools and hospitals, and many helped form the first local governments.

As I taught this to the kids, one girl said, “What are missionaries?”

“Missionaries are people who leave their homes and go to another country and improve life so they can tell people about Jesus,” I explained.

“Oh,” the light bulb went off, “Like you!”

This was a great moment for me. I’ve worked with this group of kids, now fourth-graders, since we came to Hungary, and sometimes I wonder what they understand. Please pray that more children see their lives improved and come to know Jesus’ love.

To ensure I have the opportunity to continue teaching these students, please consider a pledge of on-going, monthly support to our ministry in Hungary!

to pledge online. You needn’t log in, just scroll down to “I would like to support Larry and Rebecca Stanton.”