Posted on February 16, 2021 The Power of Community
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We were delighted to receive gifts from some of our Egyptian students when they returned to Hungary after Christmas. The English Bible study community has become like family to many students who attend the university. Depression and hopelessness are formidable threats during these cold and dark winter months. Yet, we can see that God is at work. Every week, we are amazed that Christ brings people from such places as Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nigeria, Palestine, Romania, Syria, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. Some of the students come from places where it is very difficult to be Christian. This community is a place where people can see and feel the hope of Christ.

The book of Hebrews describes the power of Christian community. In chapter 10 we read, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” We are reminded of God’s love and encouraged in community. 

Recently, we have been helping a pharmacist with his visa to stay in Hungary. He became a follower of Jesus while he was studying here in Debrecen and would be in danger if he returned to his home country. We pray for God’s will, either for him to be able to stay here in Hungary or to return with boldness in Christ. The opportunities to share Christian community are plentiful. Amanda regularly encourages a few young moms who are studying here, and Jon mentors university students who are eagerly exploring the Bible. Practicing English is still possible in groups of two or three, and sometimes we help with groceries or warm clothes.  The Lord is weaving our lives together in a beautiful way.

This ministry is possible because of your prayer and financial support. We can’t thank you enough for helping share the hope of Jesus in Hungary. Please pray that this window of opportunity will remain open and that many people will experience the power of Christian community.