Posted on March 19, 2018 The Lord’s Prayer–Mi Atyánk
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I’ve challenged all my students to memorize the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostle’s Creed in English.

This has been an interesting project—I’ve discovered several students who know the these in Hungarian, kids who I didn’t realize came from a church background. Even some of my hardened tough guys at the high school in the city rattled them off the Lord’s Prayer, Mi Atjánk, ki vagy a mennyekben…

This all started with New Year’s Resolutions.

The teachers ask me to speak about American cultural traditions and holidays, and so when we talked about New Year’s, I shared that one of my resolutions was to learn more Bible verses by heart. One of our favorite bloggers, Clare de Graaf (author of The 10 Second Rule) had a great article with suggested core verses: Here he suggested the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostle’s Creed. I’ve known the Lord’s Prayer since childhood, but I only know the Apostle’s Creed from visiting other denominations with friends over the years, and the awesome song by Rich Mulllins and the band Third Day, called “Creed”:

Often I write out verses in Hungarian, to practice and learn, but I’ve never thought about trying to memorize verses—I can barely write in Hungarian, let alone pronounce and then memorize verses! But as I shared the challenge with the kids, I showed them videos of Third Day singing Creed and Andrea Boccelli singing the Lord’s Prayer, and it struck me that I could do the same. I found a popular Hungarian classic rock band, Komorán, singing a beautiful rendition of the Lord’s Prayer, and I had such fun rocking out as I learned these important words in Hungarian. Then I would sing, rock style, to my classes—they got such a kick out of it! I told them, if I can learn this in Hungarian, you can learn it in English.

Good ol’ scripture memorization. Hide these words in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee.


The second-grade bi-lingual class in Téglás. Our Maggie is in the foreground.

Will you please pray for these students, that they take on this challenge? That they see the value of hiding God’s word in their hearts? I have an incredibly rare opportunity to be a part of my students’ lives for the whole eight-year English program, from first- through eighth-grade, and for the high schoolers, I get to see many of them through all four years. Pray for us in this long-term, seed-planting, disciple-making process!

Will you join us?

We are looking for new partners to join us in our ministries here in Hungary and across Eastern Europe.

Perhaps you’ve been following our work for some time now and haven’t taken the step to join us. Or maybe you gave a one-time gift back when we started–and we thank you for it! Our continuing work needs continuing partnership. Please consider making a pledge of on-going support: monthly, quarterly or annually.

Pledges can be made on our page on the International Ministries website, or through the mail by sending a check with our “Stantons” in the memo line to:

1003 W. 9th Ave., Ste. A.  KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-1210

Thank you so much for your prayers and shared joy in working for the Kingdom!