Posted on July 22, 2023 The Light Keeps Shining
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John 1:5 says, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

It is easy to spot the light and joy at English Bible study. It is a stark contrast to the reality of many international students in Debrecen. The challenge of the Hungarian language makes living in in an unfamiliar city with limited resources isolating. This often leads to discouragement and even depression. Students attending English Bible study experience a different reality, as they encounter the hope of Jesus. One student recently shared, “English Bible study is the highlight of my whole week!”

Jon and Amanda, along with Andrew, will be on US/PR (aka home) assignment for about one year, starting this summer. Ministry will not stop in Debrecen while we are in the USA. Faithful local believers are stepping up to lead, and we believe they will help ministry grow. Please pray for these leaders. 

Would you like to give a special gift to support ongoing ministry in Debrecen while we are away? If so, please consider giving to our Undesignated Specifics fund. Inflation is very high in Hungary due to the war, and ministry costs continue to rise.

A gift to our Undesignated Specifics fund will help our local partners continue ministry while we are away. Here are some examples of how these gifts are used:

Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. We praise the Lord for your ongoing prayer and financial support.