Posted on June 18, 2017 The International Mission Conference

The International Mission Conference was held on June 14 to June 18, 2017 by the Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches Inc. (CPBC), Mission Outreach of the Shantow Baptist Church of Hong Kong (MOSBCHK) and American Baptist Churches International Ministries (IM).  There were 136 delegates coming from Philippine. The theme of conference is “Doing Mission Together in the Contexts of Prosperity and Vulnerability.

IM development workers, Ivy and Emerson Wu, and Rev. Benjamin Chan’s Special Assistant Jabbie Chia play a major role in assisting the CPBC to organize its first overseas mission conference in Hong Kong.  The conference planning committee consists of Mr. Jabbie Chia from MOSBCHK, Rev. Dan Borlado from CPBC, Rev. Ivy and Emerson Wu from IM. They diligently worked together for 7 months to plan this conference.

The conference started with the opening welcome addressed by Mrs. Feraz Legita (President of the CPBC), Dr. Andrew Yang (Chair of the MOSBCHK), and with a video greeting from Rev. Leslie Turley (Area Director of Southeast Asia and Japan).  Following the welcome, the keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. Jerson Narciso (General Secretary of the CPBC) gave a message with the topic of “Journeying Together Towards Fullness of Life.”

The next two days of the conference were conducted by those lecture speakers: IM’s global servants, Dr. Ann Borquist (missionary to South East Pacific) and  Taku & Rev. Katie (workers in South Asia), and Rev. David Ngai from Kwun Tong Swatow Baptist Church of Hong Kong, Rev. Dan and Pastor Mary Lou Borlado from CPBC in Hong Kong.

The final day, which was Sunday, started with transporting the 136 delegates to attend Sunday worship services at Causeway Bay Baptist International Mission Church, five Swatow Baptist Churches in different area of Hong Kong and a CPBC’s church in Hong Kong.  In the late afternoon, it concluded with a celebration worship service with an invitation extended to the Filipino workers in Hong Kong.

It was quite a great experience to hold a conference with the overseas delegates, local churches and the international organization in the past week. The last event of celebration worship service at Duke of Windsor Social Service on Sunday afternoon ended fruitfully with rejoicing that there were about 15 new Filipino converters.   HALLELUIAH!   Praise the Lord!