Posted on May 4, 2021 The Crisis in India
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Health and Wellness Health and Wellness
India and COVID-19

The ongoing tragedy in India, regarding COVID-19 infections, continues to make headlines around the world. Trying to comprehend the level of death, disease and suffering is almost impossible, as the numbers are so high. It is on this topic, that I want to offer some reflections as well as some tangible ways for people to help.

International Ministries partners with many churches, hospitals, nursing schools, universities, and seminaries in India. We also work alongside other agencies such as:
• Baptist World Alliance,
• Baptist Pacific Asian Foundation/Aid,
• Emmanuel Hospital Association,
• Christian Medical College (CMC Vellore) Foundation,
• Christian Medical Association of India,
• Christian Hospital Association of India,
• National Council of Churches of India,
• Evangelical Fellowship of India,
• Council of Baptist Churches in India, and
• Many others!

The current needs fall into three main categories:
1. Medical supplies (including PPE’s, oxygen, and medications)
2. Psychosocial support of medical staff, pastors, and volunteers
3. Finances (for items such as food, transportation, burials, salaries, and purchase of medical supplies)

Next steps…

It is with these items in mind that I write to you with some thoughts.

First, suffering in another part of the world affects all of us. We cannot live as if what is happening in India is separate from our lives. Yes, the numbers are staggering and hard to imagine, but the reality is that our brothers and sisters are in crisis and need our support. When we live in a privileged country, with access to things that others only dream about, we are called upon to care for our “neighbors,” no matter how far away that neighbor is living.

Second, although I know a lot of people, all of us together have a much larger resource of people who need to know that there is something that can be done to help. By pooling our resources (people, contacts, churches, organizations, finances, and prayers) we will have a greater impact. It is always easy to dismiss your ability to help when the situation seems so large, or you don’t have specific health care qualifications. I challenge you to see where you CAN help. Can you pray? Will you share this message? How can you encourage others? We each are called to serve, not just those who have been commissioned as pastors, missionaries, or health care professionals.

Finally, I would ask you to set aside some time each day to pray for India. Pray for:

How you can help

Friends, we are not hopeless, and we are not without help. There are things we can do today to make a difference. Below, I am listing the names of several organizations (and their links) that need your help through financial gifts to be able to give our partners in India the funds needed to purchase supplies, food, and services. Can you please consider a gift today?

Every dollar gifted makes a difference in this crisis.
Consider fasting a meal and giving the money you would have spent on food towards the crisis.
Ask your church, book club, Sunday School class or exercise group to make a gift together.
Share this information on all of your social media…someone may be waiting to know how to help!

Thank you!
Thank you for your prayers and your support…for your love, compassion and desire to help. I am blessed by a worldwide family of amazing people.

Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions!

Kristy Engel, RN, MSN, CPNP
Global Consultant for Health, International Ministries/ABC-USA