Posted on November 14, 2018 The Changing of the Ruths – November 2018

The Changing of the Ruths

November 2018

Dear friends,

It has been wonderful visiting so many of you this fall, and for those I was not able to see, warm greetings. I return to Costa Rica on November 14.

I will be retiring at the end of this year, December 31, 2018, after 32 years working with International Ministries in El Salvador, Cuba, and Costa Rica. I want to thank all of you who have prayed for me, supported me, and visited me during these years. They have been years of blessing for me and, I hope, for others through me.

It has been a privilege to teach at the Latin American Biblical University (UBL) in San José, Costa Rica. It is one of the few accredited seminaries in Latin America that welcomes students from a variety of countries, backgrounds, and denominations. The faculty offer biblical, theological, and practical knowledge focused on the realities of Latin America. Our alumni are involved in creative church ministries and community development projects throughout the region. It has been a place of tremendous growth for me.

I will be replaced at the UBL by a wonderful new colleague, Ruth Vindas, who will take over my responsibilities as Christian Education professor, director of publications, and campus pastor. Ruth is a Costa Rican Baptist pastor who worked with me in the publishing ministry of Ediciones Lumbrera while she was studying at the UBL. In addition to pastoral work, she directed the Baptist seminary. In August of this year she was accepted by International Ministries as an Associate in Mission, to begin January 1, 2019.

I encourage you to continue supporting the wonderful ministry of the Latin American Biblical University by supporting Ruth Vindas. You can access her webpage at
where you can sign up for her newsletters and give to her support.

I will be staying in Costa Rica, helping Ruth get oriented to her new job and continuing to offer support to the UBL, as well as beginning some new projects of my own.

