Posted on December 5, 2023 Thank You for your support in 2023
[pie chart]92%Support Pledged

Dear Brothers and sisters,

Thank you for your support this last year! We so appreciate how you’ve partnered with our family through your prayers and financial support. We so hope that you’ve enjoyed all of our newsletters with stories of how the Lord has been growing us through training and language here in southeast asia.

We are reaching out to you in regards to making a pledge and Ministry support for our family. We are once again in the midst of raising support as we are at 85% of our monthly goal to keep us here on the field. We would love if you could please pray about partnering with us for our first full term. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.

Please click this link to give global servant support to the trout family:

Sending our love and Blessings,
Aaron & AmyEstelle