Posted on March 29, 2018 Thank you for helping us bring a Happy Easter!
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Your partnership brings the Kingdom!

Making Easter Care Packages

Pastor Zoltán and Larry have been dreaming again.

This time, they dreamed of distributing Easter care packages to the needy in the community. Larry sent a donation from our work account, and the church got busy buying and packing these love gifts. Church members delivered these, mostly to widows in the community, this time with the charge of also sharing their testimonies. Please pray they feel the tangible love of Christ–giving and receiving. Thank you for being part of this through your donations to our ministry!

Brandy with the egg tree at the Téglás kindergarten

In sunny Téglás the snow has finally melted and we welcome Easter with painted eggs and chocolate-filled children!

Right before the holiday began, I shared a couple videos with my students: the delightful “A Very Special Easter”  and one of my favorite Easter videos, S.M.Lockridge’s “Sunday’s Comin’!” Please enjoy these if you haven’t seen them. Your support of our ministry makes this message possible. When I ask students here what they do for Easter, very seldom does anyone mention going to church. Please pray for a rekindling of faith and true discipleship–for us all!

Our Ruth with Charles Jones and her classmates

Last week we welcomed our International Ministries area director Charles Jones and a delegation in our school in Téglás.

Our fourth-grade students interviewed the international guests, giving them a rich opportunity to rub elbows with the outside world, and giving our guests the open door to share their faith. Once again, your support makes this possible. Before we moved here, many adults had never met an American; now, the children of the community are quite accustomed to international guests visiting their school. Pray they see beyond the excitement of the cultural experience into the heart of our Savior, whose love transcends nationalities, races and borders.

Would you like to be instrumental in our work? Join us!

We are looking for new partners in our ministry. Please prayerfully consider making a monthly, quarterly or annual pledge to International Ministries on our behalf. You can give online by clicking the “Give” button above, or  through the mail by sending a check with our “Stantons” in the memo line to:

1003 W. 9th Ave., Ste. A.  KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-1210

Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket! Happy Easter!