December 2, 2017 Thailand – Meals for the New Life Center Foundation
[pie chart]57%Support Raised
[world map] Southeast Asia and Japan Thailand push-pin Thailand
Abolishing Global Slavery Abolishing Global Slavery
Education Education
GoalThe goal of this project is to provide nutritious meals to the girls at the New Life Center in Thailand.
SummaryThis project seeks to raise $58,824 annually for the New Life Center to provide meals and a safe environment that will support the mental and physical health and development of the residents.
DescriptionThe New Life Center Foundation works in northern Thailand with adolescent tribal girls ages 11-22 who have survived exploitation, abuse, and human trafficking. The healing and development of residents is supported by the provision of safe housing, education, therapeutic services, and balanced nutrition. Many NLCF residents suffer from developmental delays due to past trauma, compounded by insufficient access to nutritious food. A safe environment and balanced daily nutrition make a world of difference for these young women’s healthy development and ability to thrive. The project total cost is $176,472 for three years.
Suggested GiftsA gift of $1.50 will provide one meal for one resident. A gift of $4.50 will provide one full day’s meals for one resident. A gift of $5,000 will feed all 20 residents for one month.
Prayer RequestsPlease pray that the young women will be able to thrive in the loving atmosphere at the New Life Center.
Managed ByPedzinski, Jeni