Amy and Joseph Vo have been endorsed to serve as development workers in Vietnam. They will work with the Baptist Convention of Vietnam in Discipleship, Education and Economic Development.
IM’s global servants in Indonesia, Valerie and Aaron Osterbrock and their children, are safe and unharmed in the wake of the tsunami that hit Indonesia on December 22. They are in Singapore now for Christmas.
International Ministries is excited to announce that, thanks to a generous donor, all gifts to IM for the “Thailand – Building for NightLight and Song Sawang Church” project up to $100,000 will be doubled between now and December 31, 2018!
The Indonesian island of Sulawesi was devastated by a massive earthquake and tsunami on September 28, followed days later by a volcanic eruption. International Ministries has responded by sending $15,000 in One Great Hour of Sharing emergency relief grants to partners in Indonesia, and additional aid is urgently needed.
In A Flower with Roots, retired missionary Roberta Stephens tells the story of the girls’ school in Japan where she taught for 18 years and explores the backdrop of war, personality conflicts, financial hardship and ethnic prejudice.