Tag: Peace and Justice
| A desbordar…
| To the ends of the earth… / Hasta lo ultimo de la tierra…
Boaz Keibarak and his family | Pastor and Tribal Mediator in Kenya Appointed to Global Mission Service with IM

The Rev. Boaz Keibarak, an ordained pastor and gifted peacemaker, has been appointed to serve with IM as an International Associate Global Servant in his home country of Kenya, east Africa. “Boaz has deep wisdom, courage and a true heart for peace,” comments Karen Smith, IM area director for Africa.

First IM global servants in Zimbabwe | First IM global servants appointed to serve in Zimbabwe, Africa 

Christina and Lance Muteyo, both passionate peacemakers who creatively combine art and activism, have been appointed to serve with International Ministries (IM) as International Associate Global Servants in their home country of Zimbabwe. The first IM global servants to serve in this southern African country, the couple is employed by Trees of Peace Africa, an IM partner whose mission is to change the world through planting seeds of love, peace and harmony in Africa. 

| Cuidando y Amando… / Caring and Loving…
| Pray for Denise and Juan Aragón empowering leaders emotionally and economically in Chiapas, Mexico

They both work in training, prevention and education as they learn the community needs and look for ways to emotionally and economically empower leaders in their communities.