Tag: Peace and Justice
| Avoid Being a Fool This Holy Week in Times of COVID-19…
First IM global servants in Zimbabwe | Pray for Christina and Lance Muteyo ministering in Zimbabwe in evangelism, discipleship and peace and justice.

Lance and Christina describe themselves as “Zimbabwean peace warriors.” Working with the Trees of Peace ministry in Zimbabwe, they conduct trainings in conflict transformation across Africa utilizing experiential learning methodologies which they learned from their mentors, Dan and Sharon Buttry, IM global servants in peace and justice.

| Gathering (virtually!) to Share Hope

A message of hope from a leader in difficult times. Join us on Tuesday, March 24 as we “gather together” to celebrate the legacy of Oscar Romero in the 40th Anniversary of his assassination.

| The Mysterious Power of Connections

How sharing a common mission creates a connection that surpasses our understanding and builds family-like community.

| Palabrero / Pütchipü’üi…
| Pütchipü’üi / Palabrero…