Tag: Health and Wellness
| Children get Eye Exam
| Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles preparing for an Ebola outbreak in the D.R. Congo as they serve in ministries of health and wholeness.
| Pray for Ann and Bill Clemmer serving Christ by providing health and education ministries to the people of the D.R. Congo and South Sudan.
| Pray concerning an Ebola outbreak in the D.R. Congo as reported by Dr. Tim and Kathy Rice

In case you didn’t hear, there is an Ebola outbreak in DRC. Vanga is about 250 miles directly south of the outbreak. We have no suspected cases at this time.

| Pray for Kathy and Tim Rice helping train nursing and medical students for Christ-centered, whole person care in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Rice’s vision is to train the next generation of Congolese doctors and nurses in Christ-centered, whole-person care, empowering them to use the limited resources available to restore life and health across the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

| Pray for Mylinda Baits serving as a global consultant for Training through Restorative Arts

Mylinda is a pastoral artist and trainer partnering with IM colleagues, national church leadership and social change organizations to seek justice, healing and transformation through restorative art and creative expression.