Tag: Education
Hwang Monthly Matching Campaign | Hwangs Monthly Matching Campaign Begins!

Our prayer is to return to Japan in 2021 to serve for 5 more years. Recently, we received some generous funds for a matching gift. This will help us toward reaching 100% of our support which is required before we can return to Japan.

Happy Thanksgiving | Happy Thanksgiving!

We give thanks to God for all He has done for us in Jesus Christ. And we praise God for all of you and your partnership with us. In Japan, they have a “thanks for labor” holiday, on November 23rd.  We usually celebrated American style Thanksgiving near that day. For the last 15 years, we invited our fellowship group students and friends to our home for food and stories. The food highlight was our barbecued turkey!

| Embracing Gratitude
| Strength, Confidence and Hard Work
Hwangs at Lake Tipsoo, Mt. Rainier | Invitation to a Virtual Visit with the Hwangs

Join us for a virtual visit in the midst of COVID19 travel restrictions! Interested in Japan? Lots of people are! The Short-Term Mission Team is hosting this virtual visit with Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang, IM Global servants in Yokohama, Japan. They have been serving in Japan for the past 15 years. They will give you a taste of their ministry and give you food for thought on what you could do to share your faith with young people in Japan. Join us September 22, 2020 at 1pm(EDT). 

| Five Months into Covid Life; Five Emotions that Accompany Us Today

A few thoughts and reflections from these past five months and some big news to share!