Tag: Discipleship
| Recharging… / Recargando…
| Middle East and North Africa – Enduring Love

Enduring Love is raising up Arab Christian leaders to bring God’s message of hope and love through a variety of community-based programs.

Chuck and Ruth Fox 2017 | We’re Leaving Thailand

After 18 years since our arrival to work as International Ministries global servants in Thailand, we are moving back to the United States next month. Chuck has tendered his resignation from IM and will be stepping into a new role as senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the middle of October. Ruth is in conversation with IM regarding the possibility of a role with IM that will utilize her experiences in Thailand/Asia and allow her to continue responding to her call to ministry.

| Planting Seeds – Expecting Harvest

Last December, we had picked haukusai (napa cabbage) at M san’s farm. Now, we were invited back to plant seeds.

| Pray for Amanda and Jon Good soon to be serving in ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education and church planting in Hungary

The Rev. Dr. Jon and Amanda Good are preparing for ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education and theological education in partnership with the Baptist Union of Hungary. 

| Educator from Washington State Endorsed for Global Mission Service in Bolivia

Sarah Jean Nash of Olympia, Washington, has been endorsed to serve as an International Ministries (IM) missionary in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. She will minister through the new extension of House of Hope in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.