Tag: Discipleship
| Helping in the Harvest

It is great to walk into the field with servants of Christ and do a little weeding… watering… gathering… and just plain admiring of God at work to produce a harvest!

| Bringing Light & Living Water

“Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.”(Psalm 10: 12)
We are grateful for our many volunteers who leave the comfort of their homes for kingdom building.

| Thank you! We did it together (:
| Volunteers’ Hands continue to build Deborah’s House

There was much all seven women from Great Rivers Region discovered could be done to help with finishing touches at Deborah’s House.

| Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti
India - House Churches | South Asia – House Churches

The purpose of this project is to enable Neighborhood Ministries to establish house churches on the borders with Bangladesh and Bhutan, provide Bibles to new believers and train volunteer leaders.