Tag: Discipleship
| Beyond 20…
| Monthly Matching Giving Campaign 2020: Starting today!

We arrived safely in Seattle, WA on April 29 for our home assignment time this year. We have a new apartment home in Lacey, WA where we can begin our work in saying thanks to our donors and supporting churches. With Covid19 and travel restrictions, our plans are now on hold for visiting. However, we are preparing to do virtual meetings in the near future. Read further for the Monthly Matching Giving Campaign.

| Más allá del COVID-19…
| Beyond COVID-19…
| Pray for Amanda and Jon Good carrying out ministries of evangelism, discipleship and education during the Covid-19 pandemic in Hungary.

Jon and Amanda serve through ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education and theological education in partnership with the Baptist Union of Hungary.

| Pray for Ingrid Roldan-Roman ministering in discipleship, education and health and wellness in Panama.

She directs a tutoring and feeding program for elementary and high school students who have fallen behind in their studies.