Tag: Democratic Republic of the Congo
| An Easter Assault

Easter Sunday in Kikongo was loud…more than normal loud. Whistles blew and horns blasted, people yelled out cheers, children went up and down the isles of the church and crowded the windows and doorways.

| Another Unbelievable Mitendi Story

It was a long journey returning to the Congo from the U.S.  After 9 months of almost constant travel, it felt so good to arrive back to our own little apartment and unpack our suitcases! We’re happy to be settled, and as Michael said, “to be able to do the work instead of just talking about it for so long.”

| Down a Deep Hole

There is a hole in our yard…a deep hole…a deep dark hole. It was dug a little over a month ago and is a future outhouse.

| Growing the Miriam Fountain Nursing School in Vanga

In the remote, rural villages of Congo, having a midwife deliver a baby can be the difference between a healthy birth or Death….

| The Approach

I came across this memory on Facebook today: “Connect Kikongo is 10 likes away from our goal of 125 likes before Monday…”

| New University

A new day has dawned at Kikongo! For those of you who have followed our lives during the past three years, you know that this has been our most difficult term as missionaries in the Congo.