Tag: Democratic Republic of the Congo
| Standing on the Promises

Paralyzed since the age of two due to trauma, her mother has had to carry Patricia on her back everywhere she goes.

| Encounter with an Eagle and an Answer to Prayer

HEAL Africa has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of a 40-foot container from Australia with donated equipment to provide oxygen for patients in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo.

| Unpacking White Cross

Not long ago we received the 2017 “White Cross” shipment. There were loads of rolled bandages, gloves, suture, gauze, uniforms, and infant blankets.

| The Bag Lady

When I was preparing to leave the United States to return to Goma last month, I received a message from Bill asking me to bring back between three to four thousand plastic zip-lock bags to make PEP kits.

| God indeed chooses the weak things of the world to confound the wise and to demonstrate His power

Kathy Rice, RN, Tim Rice, MD and their youngest daughter Nancy moved to Vanga, Democratic Republic of Congo in 2015, to work in a rural village hospital. Kathy was given the position as head of the Nursing School in Vanga, educating 250 of Congo’s finest future nurses and midwives.

| Nzunzu!! (Moving Forward)

 I’m so excited to officially announce that we’re building a new building for the Mitendi Primary School (which currently holds classes inside the Mitendi Women’s Center), and thanks to some very generous donors, we’re kicking off the fund-raising with half the funds needed already in hand! Amazing!