Tag: Democratic Republic of the Congo
| Storms in the Congo

Daily storms… The Congolese people have faced, and continue to face terrible storms in their lives: hunger, poverty, horrific atrocities from the multiple militia groups, unemployment, volcanic eruptions, and the newest adversity, a virulent outbreak of the Ebola virus, already the largest and deadliest in Congo’s history.

| Military Fatigues and Ebola Suits

Overcoming the current Ebola outbreak in northeast Congo will require more than technical acumen and money.

| Pray for Kathy and Tim Rice training health care workers and ministering to the medical needs of the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
| Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, bringing help in the name of Jesus.

Wayne serves as the in-country finance officer for several health projects and manages the DEVRU project, which helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops, and works with Congolese farmers to generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders. Their goals are to reduce Congo’s maternal and child mortality rates …

| Pray for the Ebola Outbreak in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and for Dr. Bill Clemmer ministering to the victims and working to contain the outbreak.
| A “Nobel Prize” for a Humble Servant

Honoring Dr. Mukwege