Posted on September 3, 2020 Surprised
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Have you ever been surprised by the beauty of Christ’s presence? 

The gospel of Luke tells about two disciples who were walking to Emmaus. Jesus joined them on the journey but they didn’t recognize him until they broke bread together. They were surprised at the presence of Jesus. 

Imagine our surprise, when we were asked, “My friend wants come to English Bible study. She doesn’t know if it would be ok because she wears a hijab.” We immediately recognized that Christ was at work and encouraged her to bring every friend she has. God continues to surprise us in the most amazing ways. There is a large international community here in Debrecen. Many have come to study at the university and others are here for business or personal reasons. The languages of Hungarian and English are difficult to bridge. Those who don’t speak Hungarian can feel isolated and lonely. For that reason, our partners asked us to help them begin English ministry outreach. Every week, new Christians and non-Christians come to study the Bible and be part of the community. We are continually amazed as the Lord draws more and more people to Himself. 

Thank you for making this ministry possible through your ongoing prayer and financial support. The Lord Jesus’ grace is abundant through you!

Please pray that the English Bible study will continue to grow and for those currently attending the Bible study as well as those yet to come, that they will become disciples of Jesus.