Posted on August 24, 2024 Ministry at Deborah’s House?
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Beloved Friends and Ministry Partners,

Greetings from Tijuana, Mexico in the sweetest name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

In my last newsletter, I was in the process of moving to Tijuana. With the help of my friends in Mexicali, Pastor Raymundo Aguilar of Roca Fuerte Church, and Pastor Jaime Moreno of Bethel Church and both of their families helped me load the truck that I rented. Also, Ptr. Ray offered to drive the truck and with my vehicle, we convoyed to Tijuana. God is good! We made it safely! Upon arrival in Tijuana, my friends and colleagues, Deliris and Moise helped us with unloading the truck. Thank you, Lord for good friends and brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

Soon as I moved into my apartment, I was not even completely settled, I started with the online class for the kids at Deborah’s house. The invitation was to assist with the technical part to get the class connected online with the local school that we are partnered with. Glory to God! However, not only that I help with the technical part of the class, but I find myself assisting the kids like a teacher’s aide. I am there beside the children helping when they needed help with their classes. I did not expect this role, but it is needed. I see the joy and the fun of learning in the children’s faces, and it is priceless! It is truly fulfilling to the heart, and I enjoy it. I am sure our Lord is being glorified through this ministry at Deborah’s House.

In Deborah’s House, because of the women’s life situation, their kids cannot go to a traditional classroom. Allowing the kids to be able to catch up and not get behind with their schooling, you are actually giving them the opportunity to learn. That is truly awesome! My dear friends, because of your partnership in the ministry, we are able to do this at Deborah’s House. YOU and I are making an enormous difference to the children’s lives. Thank you for walking along side me.

In addition, not only that I help with the children’s school, but I also helped the director of Deborah’s House with clerical work in the office. Between me and my colleague, Deliris Carrión-Joseph, also an IM Global Servant, we help with necessary things that need to be done at Deborah’s House, i.e., we take the director to get groceries and supplies, we also take the women and kids to the clinic when they’re sick, and we take them to their legal appointments to process their cases. Also, we do Bible studies or just simply fellowship with them and share about Jesus. Those are just a few of what we do at Deborah’s House.

These are beautiful women, but they are broken on the inside and are feeling lost. At times, we just sit with them and have a normal everyday conversation on the porch to ease their minds. We cry and laugh with them. Sometimes, they just need someone to listen, hug them at their lowest moments, and make them feel they are loved. I am blessed and I am praising God that He led me in this ministry.




Now that the kids are on summer vacation, I started teaching English Class to the women. They are enjoying the class, and it benefits me too because I get to practice my Spanish! 




In the months of May and June, we had two small groups (Short Mission Trips) who came to visit Deborah’s House. A group from Evergreen Baptist Church of Los Angeles, led by Pastor Julie Ono, and the other group was from Journey Church from Federal Way, WA, led by Pastor Tim Vincent and our dear hermana Ruth Gollings, retired/former Missionary in Mexico, who also served at Deborah’s House.

Each of the group stayed at Deborah’s for one week. Their agenda was to just hang out with the women and children. Each day, they were doing different things; Canvas painting, they made bracelets and other crafts, they played with the kids and played UNO (card game) with the women. They also brought their instruments and worshiped with us. I think, their agenda was actually to share the love of Jesus. And that’s what they did. They brought love and joy to everyone.

And of course, I cannot forget to mention, we served delicious, authentic Mexican food! So, if you have not visited Deborah’s House, I invite you to visit us. I guarantee you, not only that you will be a blessing to the women and children with your presence, but you will leave Deborah’s House feeling blessed and with a happy-tummy with our home-cooked Tacos de pescado con salsa bandera, Mole de pollo con arroz rojo, Pozole, Sopes… and much more including grilled hamburgers top with American cheese… or not.








This summer, we celebrated two graduations for our MTS Program (Masters in Theological Studies in Latinos/as Ministries). Our US Cohort had their commencement exercise in May; also, our Mexico City Cohort had theirs in July. Congratulations to our graduates! May God bless you as you step up to your callings, and may God be glorified in your lives.

We are so happy and excited, God has been in the moved (as always)! I would like to share with you, we just started a new cohort in Cuba. Glory to God!







In July, I went to Colorado for the All Staff Gathering (ASG). An IM (International Ministries) event that only happens every 10 years. I was so happy to see my IM family. All global servants serving from all over the world came to attend the ASG. The theme of the event was “Woven Together.” One of the focused topics in our small groups was “Celebrating & Remembering the Past.” Our CEO/Exec. Dir., Rev. Dr. Sharon Koh shared from Joshua 4, “Joshua and the Israelite’s story reminds us that before God does something new, God’s people were invited to look back and to remember God’s goodness, faithfulness, and sovereignty” and that’s what we just did in my small group. In addition, Rev. Dr. Kho also mentioned that “Looking back fills us with an awareness of God’s creative, redemptive action. It sets the stage (interior life) for finding a generative curiosity about the present and the future.” What a great reminder!

Then, in our next topic was, “Being Grounded in the Present.” And a question was asked “As IM’s home staff and global servants, how often do we slow down to engage the Spirit to listen to the deep interior places of our souls, or the soul of our mission organization?” My group came together and honored that present moment and shared a snapshot of each of our ministries. I think the theme of the event “Woven Together,” was perfect! And I believe that there were deep conversations happened in my small group that made our “twines'” stronger as brothers-and-sisters in Christ and colleagues with the same mission in heart. And not only that my group was focused on the present at that moment, but as a whole (staff and global servants), we look forward to the future for wishes and goals of what International Ministries will be celebrating in 10 years. It was an awesome gathering. May our sweet Lord, Jesus Christ be glorified as we are responding to the call!

The picture below was taken at our All Staff Gathering. It was a tapestry woven with a bunch of ribbon with people’s names on it that was written and weave by the staff and global servants.  The tapestry represents and symbolizes our lives woven 

together. Lives that have different stories; perhaps, it may look messy, but they are lives grounded in Christ and walking together with one goal, and that, is to accomplish the great commission to glorify the most High, our God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ… and so, we call it a “Tapestry of Love”… and it is beautiful! The tapestry was artistically designed by our very own IM Global Coordinator for Spiritual Care, Rev. David Reed.



Beloved friends, thank you for your continued prayers for me, my parents, and the ministry. And I am grateful for your faithful financial support to the ministry. Please know that your prayers and financial support are vital to the ministry, and it allows me to be your hands and feet to serve our Lord, Jesus through His beloved people. Thank you for your partnership! May God bless you and keep you.

Let us keep walking together in this journey for the glory of God!

Yours in Christ,