Posted on June 29, 2021 Summer 2021 Newsletter – Aunty Faye
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Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

In February when I arrived, Pastor Ruben Ihlenfeldt  of Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church and principal of Teleios Christian School said that the students would call me Aunty Faye. Sure enough, that is what students are calling me. 

I have never been called aunty Faye. You see, my family calls me Carol, my middle name, so all my nieces and nephews call me Aunty Carol. Even my sister-in-law calls me aunty Carol when she is letting the grandkids know I am on the video chat. I know this new title is done in love and respect.  I hope one day to truly earn the respect of this title from the students as well as my colleagues.

The pictures above and the videos below are from a Teleios Christian School assembly to thank Aunty Faye, International Ministries and you, my generous partners, for 20 scientific calculators that were purchased for grades 7th, 8th and 9th math and science learners. They will use the calculators when they take their exams. Some of the learners’ families cannot afford scientific calculators. The school will keep the calculators and dispense them to the learners during class and during exams. I will also use these calculators when tutoring the students.

I have learned in the isiXhosa language there are two words for Aunt.  One is Makazi, the sister of your mother, and the other Dabawo, the sister for your father. As I further integrate myself into the culture, meet parents, grandparents, build more and more sister friend bonds and mother friend bonds, I will here in IsiXhosa Makazi Faye or Dabawo Faye.  God has truly given this barren woman more children than she could ever dream. Some call me mama, mom, God mommy, aunty Carol, aunty Faye and hopefully in the future Makazi Faye or Dabawo Faye.

This month has been a bit difficult. I lost my Grannie on June 4, 2021. She was 99 years old. It still was very unexpected. It has been hard being so far away from home. God knows best and His purpose and plans are always right. I have to let God’s grace, mercy, hope and love carry me for now.

Thank you so much for keeping me in your prayers and for your ongoing financial support. Pray that we will always remember to tell loved ones how much we love them each day. We know that God loves us each day. He says so each day by waking us up, letting us see the sunshine, the clouds in the sky or the rainfall.  May our Lord continue to bless and keep you safe.

Faye Yarbrough

International Ministries Global Servant – South Africa

Praise Report:

* I have received my first Covid-19 vaccine shot on June 7, 2021 and I go back on July 19, 2021 for the second Pfizer shot.

* I found a running buddy to run with early in the morning in King Williams Town. She is the age of my nieces and nephews.

 Prayer Requests:

* Control of the severe Third Wave of Covid-19 infections

* Medical frontline workers dealing with the third wave of Covid -19 infections

* The South African Government’s ability to get everyone vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus

* Xhosa Language studies

* Teleios Christian School Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers and Teacher Aids

* The students at Teleios Christian School and their families

* Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church, Project Dorcas, to continue to help women and their families during the pandemic

* Village churches and schools surrounding King William’s Town

* The ministry of letting Christ be known through Math and Science at Teleios Christian School and surrounding villages

* Our journey together, recognizing that God has brought us together to make a difference in the lives of children in South Africa as well as in your local area

* Missionary families, especially those with children

* MPT (Missionary Partnership Team) Agape

* My family in the USA while I am in South Africa and special prayer for my Dad, who is having some medical challenges

*Partners’ and friends’ specific prayer requests