Posted on July 5, 2017 Summer 2017 Update
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Do what you can, with what you’ve got, in the moment you’re given.

June 2017
Summer Spotlight: Cochabamba, Bolivia

Cochabamba, Bolivia is home to a ministry partner, the House of Hope (HOH). HOH and I began working together when I started my new role as Regional and then Global Consultant for Health. In Bolivia, the Quechua (kech-wah) and Iayamara (eye-uh-mara) indigenous peoples have been moving to major cities, like Cochabamba, over the last two decades and leaving their mountainous villages in the Andes. They arrive, often not speaking Spanish, having little money and little understanding of urban culture but hoping for a better life. Instead, they find people willing to take advantage of them, steal from them, indenture them and for women and children, they often end up living in the streets. The HOH, through their medical, dental, nutrition, agriculture, education, construction and social service outreach has been reaching the most desperate in the city of Cochabamba. As you continue to support me in ministry, you help make it possible for me to partner with and work alongside the many dedicated people in Bolivia. When you make a gift to the Health Care Project Fund, it will make monies available when partners, like the HOH need medications and supplies to serve those who visit them in mobile medical and dental clinics. Please consider a gift today!

Mobile Medical and Dental Clinics

House of Hope, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Once a year, I take a very small team of health care providers with me to work alongside the House of Hope medical outreach. We bring only vitamins and a few other over-the-counter medications with us, purchasing the majority of our medication from local pharmacies in the community. The mobile medical clinics are staffed by Bolivian doctors and one or two from my team (PA’s, NP’s, DO’s or MD’s) while a nurse or two will do intake and work in the pharmacy. My goal is that I never have more Americans on my team than there are Bolivians working with us. You might ask, why? I believe that we (my team) should come alongside the ministry and support the work that they do day in and day out when I’m not there. It makes no sense to me that I “run things” during my short visit. So, I go and support them. That’s difficult to do if I outnumber them…then they have to support me! It is such a wonderful experience to share and work together, learn about some of the unique health challenges that face communities at 9000 ft altitude with little access to water because of disappearing ice caps. They could see hundreds of patients each day but they choose to see about 50. They decided that when they see 50 patients, they can provide a better consultation, one that the patient would have received if they visited a doctor in their office. That is the goal; to treat the patients with dignity and care. I like working that way, too!

Supporting the ongoing work of Kristy Engel

Global Consultant for Health

My work as a Global Consultant is always changing locations and often requires that I am flexible in what I am willing to do. From mobile medical clinics or health education, new programs or encouraging leaders, health evaluation of communities or stepping in when there is a crisis…it seems that each year is something new and different. I will be highlighting some of the projects that I’m consistently working with and I hope that you enjoy learning about the places I visit around the world. Please let me know if you are interested in learning more or if you would like to support this work. I am only able to go because you send me! Click the link below to donate today.