Posted on November 17, 2023 S.T.E.M Ministry in South Africa – God Sent
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STEM Ministry in Qonce, South Africa

August – October 2023

GOD Sent


Hello Family, Friends, and Ministry Partners:

Greetings to all of you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As you settle into the fall and anticipating the winter months, I am experiencing a very rainy Spring, (We need the rain.) and looking forward to a wonderful summer holiday in December.

The Lord always lets me see something new in scripture that I did not see before. It is always something I need for the day and something I need to share. I must share this new insight with you all.  In the Gospel of John, Chapter, the religious leaders are asking John the Baptist, “Who are you? Are you the messiah? Are you a prophet? Why are you baptizing? Who gave you the authority to baptize?” John the Baptist just answers, “no”. When asked about his authority, John the Baptist just points everyone to Jesus who was to come and standing in their midst right now. He was sent by God to baptize with water. John the Baptist says in John 1:33, “I didn’t know He was the one, but when God sent me to baptize with water, He told me, “The one on whom you see the Spirit descend and rest is the One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.”  John the Baptist was fulfilling his God-given purpose. He may have still had some doubts as we see in the Gospel of John Chapter 3. John the Baptist was still baptizing with water, He questions Jesus if he is the Messiah. Then when his time in ministry came to an end, he accepted God’s plan.  The word of God spoke to me saying, “You may have your times of doubt but remember God sent you.” I felt comforted by these words. I am encouraged and enjoying ministry as the word of God speaks to me daily. I get to share the word of God with my learners and the teaching staff as I work with them in classroom. I was able to see also that God was sending my learners to fulfill their God-given purpose into this world (Xhosa word, Ihlbathi pronounced e-ll-ba-ti). In the process of being sent I always point everyone to Jesus. He alone saves us, sends us and equips us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Ministry Highlights

Teleios Christian School 9th grade classroom upgrade. Thank you MPT (Missionary Partnership Team) Agape for the seeds you are planting.


9th grade Classroom before painting


9th grade classroom with with painting completed9th grade Classroom with painting completed

Teleios Christian School Leaners – 7-8th Grade Career Day, 2nd Grade Math Project with Shapes, 4th Grade Teacher Goodbye   

Baptist Women on the Move for Christ – In Zambia with the Baptist Women of Southern Africa, In South Africa with Border Baptist Women in the Eastern Cape and the New President of the Women’s Ministry Network of the Baptist Union


Praise Report:

Prayer Requests:


“Enkosi kakhulu, ndiyabulela.” (Thank you very much, I am grateful.)

God bless and keep you all,

Faye Carol

Global Servant

Qonce, South Africa

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