My Dear Friends,
For the first time since arriving in Thailand 2.5 years ago, my support has dropped below 100%. This is not abnormal – budgets change for so many reasons, and we adjust.
I’m now 85% funded. In order to return to 100%, here’s what I need:
20 current monthly donors to increase their pledges by just $4.50/month
20 current monthly donors to increase their pledges by $8.50/month
15 current monthly donors to increase their pledges by $20/month
15 new donors/churches at $40/month, OR 6 new donors/churches at $100/month
If you’re doing the math, that’s $1,160/month we’re short.
If you (or your church) are in a position to consider giving a little more than you’re already giving, or if you receive and read my updates but haven’t made the move to support me on a regular basis yet, this is an excellent time to take that step. You’d certainly be filling a need — allowing me to stay in northern Thailand, working at New Life Center.
And it is — it is my heart’s desire to stay. Because the longer I’m here, the more effective I become, one day, one month, one year, one term at a time. Staying here is costly in so many ways, for me, for my family, and for our wider family in Christ. We all give – in faith, joyfully, making an offering of whatever we can – because God calls us to. My offering is being here every day, and staying as long as God asks. I give my offering out of a full heart. Thank you for your offering too, my dear friends. It is your faithfulness that equips my obedience.
To make or adjust your support commitment, please contact International Ministries’ donor services at 610-768-2323, or
Giving an educational seminar on the issues that inform our work at New Life Center
15 New Life Center residents were baptized at VBS Camp in October 2017
A welcome visit from Lauran Bethell, the first director of New Life Center Foundation (’87-’98)