Posted on December 8, 2022 Saint Nick an Anti-Trafficking Activist…?
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Abolishing Global Slavery Abolishing Global Slavery

Dec 6th is traditionally celebrated as the Feast of Saint Nicholas. St. Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra, a Greek city in Lycia (present day Turkey). Some accounts state that he attended the first Council of Nicea in the year 325 AD. He was known for using his inheritance to secretly give gifts. St. Nicholas was also said to have rescued 3 girls who were in danger of being forced into prostitution because their destitute father could not pay dowries for them. Hearing of the girls’ plight, St. Nicholas secretly threw 3 bags of gold coins through the open window of their home over the span of 3 nights. His intervention changed the course of their lives and prevented them from becoming victims of trafficking*. This Christmas, let’s remember that everything we do – every action, every gift, every word has an impact. When we bear witness to the love of Christ through our actions, lives are transformed.

Thank you for your friendship, financial support, prayers and encouragement.  I pray that you have a blessed Christmas holiday as we remember the Lord’s extravagant love in giving his only Son so that we could be reconciled to God and have everlasting life.

*Story attested to in the ancient book “Life of St. Nicholas” by Michael the Archimandrite.

(Painting by Czech painter, Jaroslav Čermák (1831-1878)

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