This Easter Easter Season we are given the opportunity to give Thanks to Jesus Christ who did “rise and shine” for us!
Your prayers and commitment since 2016 to girls rescued from the atrocities of Trokosi and support to the disadvantaged is Light to Our World!
Click: https://youtu.be/chs9-IF5Zg4
“Easter Thanks” VIDEO UPDATE!
Coming to a City Near You via Zoom!
Ghana Mission Ministry Presentations starting this Summer …Stay Tuned!
Watch for Schedule Updates at: https://www.rovaughnarichardson.com/blog or https://web.facebook.com/questtohealvictimsoftrokosi https://internationalministries.org/author/r-richardson/
- Continued health and safety of the young ladies in the Accra BVTC After-Care Program (BVTC Alumni) and currently enrolled students at BVTC in Frankadua
- Successful 1st in-person After-care Programming began February 14, 2021
- The NEW eCounseling Program has REACHED 55 GIRLS from disadvantaged & Trokosi backgrounds since launching Fall 2020 revealing God’s Love, Grace & Healing!
- 4 More Girls have received FULL Scholarships to be trained in Computer Coding & Programming (making 8 total from the After-Care Program)
- “The Girls” and I stay under “God’s wings” safe and protected.
- Covid-19 vaccine be made available to the Ghanaian and Expatriate community
- Keep spreading the word for the need of Advocacy, Support & Prayers; both tangible and intangible.
- “Like”https://web.facebook.com/questtohealvictimsoftrokos

- GIVE Tax-Deductible Gift denoting by:
or click “Donate” at: www.RovaughnaRichardson.com (you will be navigated to my IM page). Note: “Rovaughna Richardson-Specifics”