Posted on August 11, 2024 Retirement from IM on the horizon
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Dear friends,

As we approach our retirement with International Ministries, ‘how time flies’ seems an appropriate expression.  In fact, we’ve entered warp speed with September 30th visible on the very near horizon.

Our appointment as missionaries with International Ministries in March of 1984 began four decades of ministry in Latin America and the Caribbean.  We could not be more thankful for International Ministries over all these years, a time, of course, that has witnessed many organizational adaptations, necessitated by the changing times in which we have lived.  Any detrimental effects of these changes though have been countered by a sure sense of God’s call and one important constant in our lives as cross-cultural witnesses, that being the support of partners who have donated to our needs and held us up in prayer for 40 years now.

These past 15 months have included deputation trips around the country and touching base personally with more than 100 of our supporting churches.  What a blessing that has been!  At the same time we have continued in ministry: Patti transitioning out of her special education ministry in Tijuana and Tim continuing his teaching throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

The special education program that Patti began in Tijuana twenty years ago will continue under leadership of trained special education teachers from Tijuana.  We encourage you to prayerfully consider continuation of your support of the Didaqué School and its outreach to the most needy children of Tijuana.  Donations for scholarships, uniforms/books and hot meals will still be available through the IM website under ‘Projects’.

And Tim, even in retirement, will still be associated with IM as he continues his teaching through IM and Palmer Seminary’s Latino/a Masters in Theological Studies program, a fully accredited Master’s degree in Spanish that has begun 26 groups in Latin America and the Caribbean.  This summer we celebrate a remarkable achievement — 215 graduates over the last six years!  IM provides scholarships to all International Students in the program and for the program to continue, scholarship funds are essential.  Donations can be made to ‘Latin America — MTS Scholarships’ under ‘Projects’ on the IM website.  This is a high priority need and we invite you to donate so that women and men called to leadership in the church throughout the Americas might continue to be equipped through this contextualized course of study.

In grateful appreciation of our partnership together over these years,

Patti and Tim

If you have not seen our ‘thank-you’ retirement video, please check it out at the following website: