Posted on November 23, 2022 Praise God with a grateful heart!
[pie chart]98%Support Pledged

Happy Thanksgiving!
We are so thankful for your prayers and partnering with us. We give thanks to God for your prayers and your sacrificial giving which enables us to begin our ministry in Oaxaca, Mexico. We have had a wonderful Fall visiting churches sharing how God is working in our lives and our call to Mexico. 

Luis and Sarah with Pastor Matt, his wife Lisa, and two of their cute kiddos at First Baptist Church in Portland, OR for the American Baptist Central Pacific Coast annual gathering.

The Talita Cumi books have been printed, materials purchased, and supplies all boxed up ready to give to each mentor. We thank God for sisters Noemí and Julia for leading the project in Oaxaca. Pray for their travel mercies as they deliver the materials. Pray for the girls and their mentors.


Invitation to partner

We give God thanks that we are currently at 76% of our needed 100% support. Just 4% away from allowing us to plan Luis’ Commissioning Service! We thank God for all of you who are a part of our mission partnership network who give joyfully and faithfully to make it possible that we are so close to our goal. If you have been thinking about joining our ministry through your financial support, we invite you to give this Giving Tuesday on November 29th or giving an end of year gift for 2022. No gift is too small to participate in God’s mission in Mexico. 

We will be pausing our travel and visiting churches for a bit after the birth of our daughter so we can focus on being a family of three. However, we would love to begin scheduling in visits via Zoom and in person for 2023 with churches, ABWM groups, and Bible Studies for next year. 


Support Luis and Sarah

Together in God’s mission,

Luis and Sarah Matos

Prayers requests and praises:

  1. Pray for the upcoming arrival of our daughter. Pray for a healthy and safe delivery for mom and baby.
  2. Prayers for Luis’ language studies when attends language school in Mexico.
  3. Prayers for Sarah as she continues her classes for Masters of Divinity program through Palmer Theological Seminary.
  4. Pray for 100% support to be reached by summer 2023!