Posted on June 18, 2018 Piece by Piece
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Piece by Piece

Learning the Hungarian language is like putting a puzzle together piece by piece. This is what our language instructors said about using correct verb conjugations, post-positions, and Hungarian vowel harmony. The cover of our textbook has a picture of a puzzle to emphasize this truth. We are still learning, but our language puzzle is starting to take shape. Please pray that we continue to learn the Hungarian language with quick minds.

The picture of a puzzle coming together is an appropriate image for Christians. God has the whole picture in mind. Yet, we can only now see a part of it. We have to trust that God is at work completing the puzzle and shaping our lives one piece at a time. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

We are seeing pieces of God’s plan come together in Hungary. There is now the possibility of a church plant in our area. We are working with our partnering churches and praying about the location and timing. God is already putting together a team of church planters here in Debrecen. We will also be partnering with a few camps this summer. There is a need for teaching English and offering summer enrichment opportunities. These are great opportunities to build relationships and to share the good news of Jesus. Please pray that these ministry pieces come together just as Jesus has in mind!

SixGoods Update

The children are acclimating well to their schools. Rachel, Sarah, and Elizabeth were able to participate in class field trips and were gone overnight to various places around the country. Andrew’s best friend only speaks Hungarian, so he is very motivated to learn. We are thankful that each one remains open to the culture. You should have heard them raving about the lung and rice sausage they ate a few weeks ago! The continuing validation of their calling to live and be here is something we will marvel at for the rest of our lives. Please pray that our children will continue to find joy their new life.

Thank you for your prayer and financial support. Your partnership is an essential piece of the puzzle! Thanks for joining God’s work in Hungary. We praise the Lord for you and delight in what God is doing. Please keep in touch with us through email and social media. How is the Lord at work in your life?

Yours in Christ,

Amanda and Jon Good