Drifting Along the Way

You might find yourself asking, “How did we manage to get through that?”  But God’s hand in it is clear and apparent. 

Longing for Peace

A short reflection on violence in El Salvador and the United States, a need for peace that transcends borders, and the role of church as peace-builders in our world.

Look Up!

One of the major things you notice as a ‘new to Haiti’ person is the traffic. The numbers of vehicles, the people everywhere, the volume of the street sounds…the chaos, or is it?

Storms in the Congo

Daily storms… The Congolese people have faced, and continue to face terrible storms in their lives: hunger, poverty, horrific atrocities from the multiple militia groups, unemployment, volcanic eruptions, and the newest adversity, a virulent outbreak of the Ebola virus, already the largest and deadliest in Congo’s history.

IM Expands Global Gifts: More Gift Choices than Ever Before!

What do clean water, coffee, camps for kids and chickens have in common? They all can bring hope to people in need all over the world when you purchase them as Christmas gifts through the International Ministries (IM) 2018 Global Gifts program. This year, we are expanding the Global Gifts opportunities from 10 in 2017 to 125 global mission projects that are in need of your support right now.
It’s easy to find the perfect gift!