
Learn More Explore Who We Are Welcome to International Ministries Read Letters of Congratulations Read More Pray for peace in Israel and Gaza. Read Now Read the 2022/2023 Annual Report. ...

Mission in S.E. Asia: Then and Now

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make …

Email subscription | children’s sermon on mission

Thank you for subscribing to International Ministries' e-newsletter! We hope you find this children's sermon helpful! To download, simply select the orange button to the right. Wondering about some of ...

Email subscription | Bible study lessons for adults

Thank you for subscribing to International Ministries' e-newsletter! We hope you find these Bible study resources helpful! To download, simply select the orange buttons to the right. Wondering about some ...


Welcome to IM God is transforming lives and communities around the world. Find out how you can take part. WHO WE ARE For more than 200 years, International Ministries (IM) ...