Posted on July 25, 2020 Out of Quarantine
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We’d like to thank everyone for their prayers. Shortly after our last journal, we received the girls’ passports. The pieces are coming together to start our move back to Hungary. We applied with the Hungarian government, and in the same day they granted our entrance. We will fly Sunday, August 23 from St. Louis, connecting through Chicago, Istanbul, and then into Budapest Monday night.

I can’t tell you how happy we are to get to return to our place of service. School starts for Rebecca and the girls September 1st. We don’t know if it will be in the classroom or online—possibly a combination. Serbia is  a mess, with the government lying to people about their coronavirus numbers right before an election, and now they’ve been put back in lockdown. The border is open, but for now it’s not advisable that I go. But conditions are always changing. If we are in Hungary, I’m that much closer to serving the people in need.

Please pray for us, for safe travel, for our witness, and for the people we serve. We’re about to do something that not a lot of people have done—international travel in a pandemic. But by God’s grace, we’re ready.

Thanks again for your prayers and continued financial support.