Posted on September 2, 2016 Our familiar has changed…
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How can my heart be sad and happy at the same time?  This is because God has taught me to love.  I’m sitting here on my patio enjoying the smells and sounds of Puebla, Mexico (home).  It is overcast today but the birds are still singing.  Baillie made baked zucchini with pizza sauce and cheese.   So as I sit here enjoying life and using all my senses as I’m reflecting on familiar.  This word keeps coming into my thoughts.

 I love familiar…with that being said, living in another country is not totally familiar.  One thing or person that does not change and is always familiar is my Lord and Savior.  I know that wherever we are in the world I can count on God being familiar.

My familiar has changed a bit in the last week or so.  We took Boyden to college at Biola University outside of Los Angeles, CA.  This was probably the hardest “see you later” that I have ever done.  I know kids are supposed to grow up and leave the house.  But when they leave and go to another country for college in an unfamiliar place it is hard on the family left behind.

We have had many encouraging words during this time of transition from folks all over the world.  God reminds me everyday that He has everything under control.  As a Mom, I get concerned about things like, will Boyden fit in, will he have a family at Biola, who will take are of him when he is sick, etc.?  I have been praying for God’s peace to fill my heart and soul.  Without Boyden here in Mexico a piece of our familiar is gone.  I look in his room and his bed is always made, I don’t hear him and Baillie bantering back and forth, there is a hole where he sat at the table.  I don’t write this for you to feel sorry for us.  I write this to give God glory!  Yes, our familiar has changed but God never changes.  His ways are better than mine.  I want to share a Facebook post from Boyden recently.

“Nearly a week ago, I moved to Biola University to start college. Coming in, I had the fears and excitements and emotions that most new freshmen face. I came knowing no one, but God has been at work this past week. My main concern was finding a group to fit into. A place where I could be myself and grow in God. Since last Monday, my prayers have been answered. God has provided a group for me to click with within the global community here, that’s quickly become my new family. We have already been able to share tears and laughter with one another. When I think if I have made the right choice or not of coming here, I have this peace that comes over me and a feeling that this is exactly where God wants me to be at.

Thank you for everyone who has been praying for and supporting my family and I as we continue on this new journey. It has been hard, but through God, all things are possible. – Boyden”

When I saw this on Facebook, God gave me His peace because He answered my prayers.  Boyden has found a global family so my heart is overjoyed.  I have to remember our family here in Mexico as well.  The other day we had friends in one of our communities in Oaxaca call and ask, “How are you doing?”  I’m learning that it is ok for our familiar to change.  It is well with my soul.  Thanks for all your support and prayers!

Have a blessed Day!
