Other SheepJesus said in John 10:16, “I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock and one shepherd.” ESV The other sheep have been on Larry’s mind recently. Which led him to a John Piper sermon. You can watch and read it here. We were both greatly blessed by this message. It said: As Christians, we can be confident of two things: our own salvation, and the success of Jesus’ mission to bring in the other sheep. WE ARE PART OF THAT MISSION. Not just Larry and me, but every Christian! Will you join us? We are searching for sheep in Hungary, Serbia and Bosnia. We ask you to please join us by pledging much needed ongoing support to our ministry. Click HERE to visit our page, scroll down to the green GIVE button under our picture. We are roughly $1,000 per month shy of our goal. Can you give $20 a month to join us? Please share this with your friends social media. Just click this We will be home this summer! We will attend the ABC-USA Biennial Mission Summit in Virginia Beach June 21-23. After that, we will spend a few days in International Ministries office then we will be back in Illinois. If we have never spoken at your church and you’d like to schedule a visit, please reply to this email. |