Posted on February 28, 2020 Onwards & Upwards…
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Hello, my dear friends and faithful ministry partners,

Not too long ago, we just approached and celebrated the New Year.  As I’m writing this newsletter, it’s now almost the end of February.  Time flies!

I’ve been home for two months now since my last trip.  Two days after I came home, I had a knee surgery.  Praise God for His healing and thank you for your prayers!  I am doing well.  Praise God!  Due to my surgery and six weeks scheduled physical therapy, I couldn’t schedule my next trip until early February.  Again, I praise God, I was able to be home to help my parents with my 97 years old grandmother.  She was taken to the hospital three times within a month.  Each time that she was discharged from the hospital, I was able to stay with her at her home and take care of her.  As of right now, my grandmother is in rehab and she is doing well. Praise God for His healing!

My first trip out this year was earlier this month (February 6th) to Las Vegas, Nevada.  I consider Las Vegas home to me.  It is where I lived before I joined the US Army.  It was where it started for me.  I spent 15 years in Reno and Las Vegas after I came from the Philippines.  It’s where I became an adult and matured in life and in my walk with Christ.  When I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago, I visited three Churches and met with Pastors and Mission Leaders.  I am also humbled and grateful, I was invited to preached and shared my ministry at Lord of Harvest Church – Southgate (LOH).  I was also given the opportunity to share to a group at a book study with our ABC family at the Rock Christian Church.  And I attended an evening prayer group gathering.  Amazing!

At two of the churches I worshipped with, their messages were on how to advance the Kingdom of God in Las Vegas.  The night before I gave the message for the Sunday service at LOH – Southgate, I had a conversation with Pastor Arnel.  We talked about my message; I told him it’s going to be about “Not everyone is being called for global service, but everyone is being called to go outside the four walls of our churches: in our own homes and communities for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.  And that we’re all full-time Missionaries.” And he said, my message would be a good timing and perfect introduction for the people to hear for his next sermon series… it’s about missions.  Amen to that!

While on the plane leaving Las Vegas, I thought about Las Vegas being nicknamed “Sin City” and what our brothers and sisters-in Christ are doing there.  I praise God for His beloved people, for the intensity of their love for God and their hearts on fire in serving our Lord Jesus Christ.  I was blessed and they inspired me!  I had a great time with my visit in Las Vegas with family and friends.  I praise God for the opportunity to share my calling and the ministry in Mexico.  God is good!

As of right now, I’m at 64%.  I need 16% more to get to 80% in order to have the commissioning service.  Once I reach 100%, I actually get sent to the mission field.  If you’re already supporting me financially, thank you so much for your support and for helping me reach my goal to get to the mission field.  And I am thankful for current partners who have generously increased their current support.  If you’re reading this and you’re being led to support and want to be a part of this growing mission in Mexico, throughout Ibero-America, and the Caribbean with the MTS Program (Masters in Theological Studies) in Latino/as Ministry, please click on the following link – that will take you directly to my webpage at International Ministries.  Click on the green “GIVE” button to set up your pledge and give.
Are you inspired?  I am excited for what God is doing in my life and for the lives of our Seminary students!  I am inviting you; please join me on this great adventure to serve Christ for the glory of God!
Your prayers are bringing God’s goodness on this wonderful adventure.  Thank you!  Please continue praying for me and my ministry as I pray for you.

  • Please pray for the people in Nevada and the tourists that comes to visit, that their heart will be open for the Gospel—and for our brothers and sisters-in-Christ, for their faith be made stronger and be bold to be a witness for Christ, and for Nevada to be a mission ground for the glory of God.
  • Please pray for the MTS (Masters in Theological Studies) Program students and our professors.
  • Please pray for God’s provisions for my funding that I may be sent out to serve full-time in the mission field.
  • Please pray for my physical healing, protection and safety; as well as peace, joy, and God’s favor that He will meet all my needs when I travel.  My next trips will be on March 6th – traveling to Washington State; and, to Mexicali, Mexico on March 25th.
  • Please pray for my parents and my grandmother for their physical healing, protection, and safety while I’m away.

Thank you so much for your prayers, your love, and financial support.  May God abundantly bless you and keep you as we journey together and serve God for the advancement of His Kingdom.

I’m sure excited for this year!  By the grace of our sweet and powerful God, I stand in His promises.  And my heart says, “Onwards and Upwards for the glory of God!”

Much love in Christ,

– Jae