Posted on November 1, 2019 November 1st call to Prayer
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This morning at 11:11am EST missionaries all across the country of Haiti are praying and asking their support groups to join together in prayer for Haiti.

Life in Haiti is really difficult right now.  Over the past 7 weeks protests have crippled the country.  We received reports that this week was really rough and the worst of the protests continue to happen in Port au Prince.  Cap Haitien, the city that our house is located near has been slightly calmer than previous weeks.  There are still many road blocks and burning tires, but we are being told that most of the manifestations (protests) have been peaceful.  The availability of fuel, food, medical supplies, propane for cooking are still limited or nonexistent because transportation from Port au Prince to Cap Haitien has been shut down.

There are still 2 million students that are still not able to attend school this semester because they fear they will be attacked if they attend.  Malnutrition is rapidly rising as families cannot get to town to purchase food and they can’t afford the 22% inflation.  Children and adults are dying at home because they cannot find or afford transportation to a hospital for care of their treatable sicknesses.  Hospitals are seeing increased death rates because they cannot find fuel to power their generators that are needed to run critical equipment or they cannot purchase medical supplies like oxygen or medications because the roads are impassable.


Please Pray:

Pray for Haiti.

Pray fo the millions of innocent lives who are being traumatized by this political crisis.

Pray that the blockades clear up and the ability to move around the country safely returns.

Pray that the government and the opposition can figure out how to move this country out of this time of crisis.

Pray for the government offices to reopen so that needed paperwork can be completed, such as documents for friends adoptions.

Pray for the Haitian Baptist Convention, our partners and 150 partner churches, to boldly set the truth plainly and to be a beacon of light to each of their communities.

Pray for our colleagues Kihomi and Nzunga who are still living in Haiti and are providing the basic most essential needs to students unable to get home at the Christian University of Northern Haiti.


Smith Family Update:

We are currently living in Pennsylvania as Brian is still recovering from Dengue Fever, Mononucleosis and Chikugunya.  This morning he completing his first week of physical therapy to regain strength throughout his body.  Brian is doing well and seeing small improvements as his is healing slowly.  Lynette is busy holding the household together in doing everything the family needs.  Ricky and Calen have been enrolled in school here since we don’t know how many months it may take for Brian to fully recover and how long it will take for Haiti to be ready for our return.  We are all eager to return to Haiti but understand that it is not the place where God has placed us at this time.

Thank you for the prayers and notes that you have sent!