Posted on October 15, 2022 Newsletter – Journal #26 August – September 2022 – God’s Word Never Fails
Teleios Christian School Heritage Day 2022
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Dear Family, Friends, and Ministry Partners:

So many things happening and changing. So many mathematics topics to review and pray that my learners retain this information. Life in South Africa is always new to me. The familiar things of my routine days are no more. I am embracing change; I love it and there is never a dull moment.

God let me see one morning as I was reading Hebrews 13:8, which says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.” That God never changes. In Xhosa, the small word “lo” means “this” and “nanamhla” means “in the present”. Meaning that this Jesus of yesterday’s situation is the same Jesus in your present situation. The Holy Spirit took me to Luke 1:37 NLT, “For the word of God will never fail.”, and finally, John 1:1 NLT,” In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God and the Word was God.” Since then, I have read Isaiah 55:11 which lets me know that the Word of God accomplishes all that God wants the Word to accomplish, and it always produces fruit.

What revelations from these scriptures that the living WORD, Jesus, does not change and staying in Him produces fruit. The Lord is my Constant as things are changing around me. He will show me in His time the fruit of His labor through me. Yes, there are the days that I miss home and family so much. Things at home are changing as well. Missing hugs that a video call just can’t do. One day I said, “I am going to eat some french-fries from MacDonalds.” I was seeking a familiar taste I knew from home. The french-fries reminded me that God is saying in my present and future, “Taste and see that I am good, I am with you and never doubt because of what I have done for you in the past.” God is good and we all need at times those “flesh” moments of the Living Word, Jesus Christ, who was both man and God.

I will never stop thanking you for your emails with encouraging words, your prayers, your cards (three months late due to South African Postal services), and your messages I receive through my Mission Partnership Team (MPT) members. When I hear from you, I remember how we connected and my first-time meeting some of you in person. Thank you so much for your continued financial support. I am once again close to 100% funded. I am currently at 97% funded. I thank the Lord for new ministry partnerships that occurred in the month of September 2022. God being my constant, I know that I will be at 100% before the end of the year.

Don’t forget the World Mission Offering 2022 (September – October). “Churches and Individuals have an opportunity to join the transformational work God is doing through International Ministries.”

August – September 2022 Highlights

I have been busy meeting the community through church outreach and community functions. In August and September, there were some important dates in South Africa and through these events I got to fellowship with individuals and groups in and around Qonce. August is Women’s month and on August 9, 2022, we celebrated, National Women’s Day. On August 13, I attended “Black and Gold” Fundraiser celebrating mothers at Lubabalo Baptist Church. Brian and Fezeka Tukuta are Pastor and Pastor’s Wife (First Lady) of Lubabalo Baptist Church. The Fire Department visited Teleios Christian School on August 16 to teach the children Fire safety.  They all got to see how the firepersons put out fires. I attended the Border Baptist Network Women’s Department Rally on August 27-28, 2022 in a village called Tylden, South Africa. The Theme was “Be Rooted in Christ Jesus”, and scripture was Colossians 2:6-7.

September 1, 2022 marked the official first day of Spring in South Africa. The learners dressed in their best spring outfits and some of the foundation phase classes (R-2) had a picnic. September 3, 2022, Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church had a Spring Breakfast. The theme was “Revive Us” and scripture was Psalm 85:6. I invited members of my new-formed community.

September 9, 2022, I visited Jityaza Combined Primary School in Tyutyu, one of the small villages around Qonce. This is part of my ongoing village school visitations organized by Pastor Thembani Zani. We prayed and encouraged the teachers and the learners. One of Jityaza teachers, Siphokazi Mbanga, was selected to represent the school and South Africa at the United Nations General Assembly. September 11, 2022, I was invited to speak on Missions at Calvary Baptist Church in Breibach, a small village outside of Qonce.  

September 16, 2022 Teleios Christian School had a career day and the 7th graders had a food bazar. They practice their entrepreneurial skills by learning how to sell food items to make a profit. September 23, 2022 Teleios Christian School celebrated Heritage day with traditional dress and songs. We also celebrated our assistant principal Lawrence Shava’s birthday with a small lunch.

On September 24-25. I fellowshipped once again with Calvary Baptist Church. They had a braai (BBQ) and games on Saturday and worship service on Sunday. Pastor Gino, the guess speaker, brought a powerful message. I met Pastor Gino and His wife at the Baptist Union Women’s Reload Conference in May 2022. Pastor Gino and the entire congregation of Calvary laid hands on me, prayed for me, and for the ministry in South Africa. I was so blessed and I knew God was speaking a word of comfort to me at that very moment. I was very encouraged. Calvary Baptist’s Pastor Ohlson Abdul and First Lady Bernadine Abdul, hosted me for lunch two weeks in a row and I felt so at home with their family.

September 26 – 29, 2022, the Baptist Union of Southern Africa had their assembly. I did not attend the assembly this year but viewed it online. Lastly, on September 30, 2022, the third school term for the school year 2022 ended for Teleios Christian School.  When I am missing home, the familiar and those who are not there any longer, I know that God is with my family, friends, and you, my ministry partners, just as God is with me over here in Qonce (King William’s Town), South Africa.

See August – September 2022 Highlights Video:

Special Prayer Request: The faculty of Teleios Christian School really are in need of Special Education Teacher training. If you are interested in doing some training modules, please pray and ask God to show you how you can help. Please email me if you are interested.

Praise Report (Giving all glory to God):


Prayer Requests:

“Enkosi kakhulu, ndiyabulela.” (Thank you very much, I am grateful)

God bless and keep you all,

Faye Carol

Global Servant

Qonce, South Africa

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