Posted on December 22, 2021 New Life at Christmas
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A celebration of the birth of Jesus is the heart of the Christmas experience. The gift of Jesus is the gift of life. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Cor 9:15)  

This year we are so excited about the gift of new life in our new church. The International Baptist Church of Debrecen celebrated its first baptism service this past week. A young couple, with a little one on the way, has chosen to follow Jesus and proclaim their love for Christ through baptism. It was a joyous occasion with at least 15 nations represented. The singing, praying, preaching, and baptizing was the perfect way for our new church to celebrate our first Christmas together. 

We are also excited to share that the church has found a larger space in the center of Debrecen. Our first worship service in the new location will be January 2nd. We can see so many ways that God can work in and through this new opportunity. With our own space, we can better reach out to the business community as well as international students who live in our neighborhood. 

Praise the Lord for His blessing and indescribable gifts!

Please pray…

Giving opportunity

We can’t wait to see how God opens the doors for ministry in the new place. If you would like to contribute to equipping the new church building, please send us an email and we will let you know the process. The current needs include chairs, furniture, paint, toys, appliances, dishes, media and music equipment, and more.