February 21, 2023 NEW BEGINNINGS
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[world map] Europe, the Middle East and Liberia Lebanon push-pin Lebanon
Theological Education Theological Education
Immigrants and Refugees Immigrants and Refugees


May the Lord answer you when you are in distress, and may the name

of the God of Jacob protect you. -Psalm 20:1

We Have Moved!

          A new year at Insaaf has come with a major move to a new place. This week we have settled in our new location roughly a mile away. Unfortunately, the circumstances that led to this move were not so pleasant. Since December, one of the tenants in the building was harassing our MDWs and forbade us from using the elevator. Our Center is on the eighth floor and some of our women are sick or have children. This issue also led us to halt our distributions for a few weeks because we could not use the elevator. We tried to reach out to this man several times, but he refused to talk to us. Our landlord was also not helpful in this situation. So we decided to move.

          We are grateful that God opened up a new place for us with a landlord we trust and have known us for many years. Please continue to pray for this new space and for our women as this new location will need some time to get used to.

A Testimony from Prison

          I (Sarah) met Jeena in prison, and she had been in prison for the past 6 months. She comes from a strongly Islamic country that is in turmoil and did not want to go back or be deported to her country. She looked very sad and distraught when I first saw her. She shared her story of how she was trying to escape from her country which is persecuting intellectuals, writers, and free thinkers. She is a journalist in her country and she was being persecuted for her views on human rights and freedom of expression. She escaped and came to Lebanon illegally and Lebanese authorities caught her at the airport and put her in prison. She asked for prayer and I told her that I know my God, Jesus, answers prayers and asked her to call out to Jesus.

          The following week I met her again in prison there was joy and happiness on Jeena’s face. She said she prayed to Jesus and asked for a miracle and Jesus did answer her prayer. The very next day after

she met me a week ago, she was called by the prison authorities and was informed that Canada has accepted to take her and her husband as political refugees. Not only that, they were let out of prison to be on their own until such time as they traveled to Canada. During their three-month stay in Lebanon as free people, they attended our Church regularly and enjoyed fellowship, potluck people, worship songs, and knowing about Jesus.

          We are thrilled that God used Jeena’s darkest days in prison to experience the love and freedom that comes from Jesus. Please continue to pray for us as we go into the prisons regularly to minister to the women there.

Christmas Party and Christmas Village
          On December 23rd, we had our Christmas party for adults. Four representatives from the Logos Hope Ship, two Canadians, a Brazilian, and an Indian, came and joined our activities and we shared a scrumptious meal together. (The Logos Hope Ship is a ministry of OM and they docked in the port of Beirut for several weeks in December.)

          During the Christmas party, 40 moms (including seven single mothers), received $50 in cash and 35 children received gift certificates they can use to buy Children’s clothing. We are grateful for our generous donors who provided these gifts.

          Lastly, we had the opportunity to sell our handmade soap at a Christmas Village hosted by Resurrection Church Beirut. This soap is made from olive oil and it was made by our MDWs earlier this year. The Christmas Village lasted Dec. 22nd through 30th (except for Dec. 24th). We are grateful that our friends at RCB invited us to participate in this outreach for the community.

T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R H E L P !

We rejoice in the many varied ways God is using us to be His hands and feet to “the least of these” in Beirut at this time. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and for your generous giving!

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DescriptionDAN and SARAH were the first IM global servants in the Arab world. Dan is an adjunct professor at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary. He promotes strategic Arab ministries through Enduring Love, a ministry that currently reaches people in seven countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Sarah pioneered a ministry, INSAAF: Justice and Compassion of Jesus, that assists migrant domestic workers (MDWs) in Lebanon working as maids. In addition to overseeing the integrated center, she visits and ministers at three prisons, advocates for the rights of maids and fights human trafficking. Sarah’s journals are available on the IM website; Dan cannot post journals or photos online due to their sensitive nature. However, individuals can subscribe to his Enduring Love newsletter to receive updates.